International Consultation Concludes

An International Consultation on the commercial, economic and ethical aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technologies titled Unraveling the Fertility Industry: Challenges and Strategies for Movement Building was organized by Sama in Delhi from the 22nd to the 24th of January 2010. During this three day consultation, over 80 participants from more than 10 countries– including activists, researchers, and academics — came together to discuss issues and concerns around the growth and proliferation of what is now a veritable ART industry. Discussions began with an overview of the current global political economy context, followed by region-specific sessions that brought in local experiences from countries that are facing the implications of these technologies. Each day concluded with a discussion on the possible strategies for movement building, which were consolidated in the final session on the final day.

In addition, a Volume of Papers titled Making Babies- Birth Markets and ARTs in India was launched by Sama on the 23rd January, in collaboration with Zubaan – a feminist publishing house. Sama also marked its tenth anniversary on this day, with an evening of music and poetry.

To see the programme schedule of the Consultation, click here: Programme